MSU Departments- Jobs
Departments that hire large numbers of students may utilize their own online job information & application systems. If you are looking for a part-time job on-campus, here are the steps to follow:
- Step 1: Search for campus job postings on Handshake.
- Step 2: Check MSU department websites looking for student workers.
MSU Department Web Links
- Breslin Center
- Broad Art Museum
- Dairy Store
- Dining Halls, Sparty’s cafes, Union restaurants, food trucks, etc.
- Infrastructure Planning & Facilities
- Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
- Libraries
- Museum
- Police
- Residence Education & Housing Services
- Residential & Hospitality Services
- Recreational Sports & Fitness
- Spartan Signature Catering
- Surplus Store & Recycling Center
- Telemarketing
- Undergraduate Research
- Wharton Center
*Duplicate information available in attached handout.