The MSU Career Services Network helps students and recent alumni (within two years of graduation) develop and articulate the key competencies necessary to make informed decisions and take steps toward their career goals. Our staff establishes connections and relationships with undergraduates, graduate students, alumni, employers, and a range of organizations to facilitate opportunities aimed at helping students pursue their personal and professional objectives.
We’d love to partner with you to offer customized class workshops and career education lesson plans aimed at integrating career development into your curricula or guide your students in career assessments as they explore majors and career paths.
Other relevant services and resources include:
- One-on-one advising appointments with general and discipline-specific career advisors
- 25+ career fairs every academic year
- A career management platform with thousands of internship and job postings
- Hundreds of career events aimed at exploring fields and connecting with alumni and employers
- Curated resources for students from specific populations
- Data on First Destination outcomes for Spartans, published annually

Provide an On-Campus Internship
Many students pursue internships on campus, allowing them to gain valuable professional experience through MSU’s diverse departments. Career Services provides internship forms displaying an easy-to-use framework for managing interns, along with answers to common questions.
Career Services encourages on-campus internship providers to add such experiences to My Spartan Story so that they become a part of students’ Spartan Experience Records.

Post a Job or Internship
Reach over 60,000 students and recent alumni by posting jobs and internships for free in Handshake. Sign up for an employer account and start posting today!

Request a Classroom Workshop
Interested in partnering with us on a customized classroom workshop or set of modules? Please complete this presentation request form to get the process started. *Submit requests one to two weeks in advance of your ideal presentation date to allow staff time to adequately prepare.

Access Career Education Lesson Plans
Career Services has developed a set of career education lesson plans for faculty use in D2L. Current offerings include:
- Writing Resumes
- Gaining Experience
Each lesson plan includes a detailed class outline, learning outcomes, recorded webinars, handouts, learning assessments, and supplemental course activities. To gain access to the D2L community, please contact Kristi Coleman, Director of Network Partnerships and Career Education.

Share MSU Career Handbook
CSN’s Career Handbook, published annually, helps students prepare for life after college. The guide includes helpful career education resources and tips for students that can be used or shared in advising appointments, classroom sessions, or as a self-help resource.