Parents and Families

The MSU Career Services Network begins serving students from their first day of classes at Michigan State University until up to two years after they graduate. From choosing majors to exploring careers to conducting internship and job searches, the Career Services Network assists students during every step of their college experience.

Our services and resources include: 

  • One-on-one advising appointments with general and discipline-specific career advisors
  • 25+ career fairs every academic year
  • A career management platform with thousands of internship and job postings 
  • Hundreds of career events aimed at exploring fields and connecting with alumni and employers
  • Career assessments for students as they explore majors and career paths
  • Customized classroom workshops aimed at integrating career development into curricula
  • Free professional attire rental and headshots
  • Curated resources for students from specific populations
  • Data on First Destination outcomes for Spartans, published annually

Upon graduation, Spartans enter a wide array of industries and graduate programs. If you’d like to learn more, take a look at our annual report of our students’ post-graduate career outcomes.

We hope you’ll encourage your student to take advantage of our services! We look forward to offering guidance in identifying their career interests while holistically discussing their skills, values, and personality. 


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Bachelor's degree graduates continue education.



Undergraduate students complete an internship.



Bachelor's degree graduates work or continue education.

*Data Source: Post-graduation outcomes and experiences of bachelor’s degree recipients (2019-2023).