Write a Resume or Cover Letter

Regardless of the direction you’re headed, having a resume and cover letter will be an important part of your application process.

Why are these documents important?

  • They are your chance to make a positive first impression. You will be judged on the quality of your documents and paying attention to detail matters.
  • They tell your story by demonstrating your skills, experiences, and accomplishments.
  • They can help you get to the next step in the hiring process, such as obtaining an interview. Although you don’t need to communicate everything, plan to share enough so the reader clearly knows what you have to offer.

Use the following information as a guideline to create your first resume and cover letter or tailor the ones you already have.

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Bachelor's degree graduates continue education.



Undergraduate students complete an internship.



Bachelor's degree graduates work or continue education.

*Data Source: Post-graduation outcomes and experiences of bachelor’s degree recipients (2019-2023).